A record $2.2 billion was distributed to 34 states during fiscal year 2006 as part of the federal revenues collected by the Minerals Management Service (MMS). Fiscal year 2005 payments to energy-producing states totaled $1.7 billion.

"These revenues remain a very important source of funds to many states today," says Johnnie Burton, director of the MMS. "States use the money to support critical infrastructure projects, to fund local education, and to provide assistance to local counties where the energy production occurs."

In the 2006 distributions, Wyoming led all states by receiving more than $1 billion in revenues. New Mexico received $573 million and Utah, $173 million.

Other energy-producing states sharing revenues included Colorado with $147 million; California, $57.5 million; Montana, $38.2 million; Louisiana, $33.2 million; Alaska, $25.7 million; and Texas, $22 million.