OMV and its partners Vår Energi and INPEX Idemitsu have discovered gas in wildcat well 6605/6-1 S in the Norwegian Sea. The discovery is located around 65 km southwest of the Aasta Hansteen field and 310 km off the Norwegian coast.

Well 6605/6-1 S, which was drilled by the Transocean Norge rig, is the first to be drilled in production license 1194.

Preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery between 4 million and 12 million standard cu. m of oil equivalent. Discoveries were also made in two other levels, but the size of the volumes is uncertain.

OMV, which operates the field with a 40% stake, as well as Vår Energi (30%) and INPEX Idemitsu (30%), will consider a potential future development in the area.

"By focusing on gas as a transition fuel, OMV invests in affordable energy solutions and contributes to a more sustainable energy mix. We aim to increase the share of gas in our production portfolio to 60 percent by 2030. A commercial discovery will further advance our diversification, while high grading our portfolio in Norway," said Berislav Gašo, executive vice president of energy at OMV.