Reset Energy will design a 250-MMscf/d nitrogen rejection unit in the Permian Basin for an unnamed midstream operator to remove nitrogen for a residue gas product, the gas processing solutions provider said March 4.

Reset said its nitrogen rejection solution will increase the value of the feed gas for the operator. The technology uses cryogenic distillation to separate the nitrogen from hydrocarbon streams using a combination of compression, distillation and multi-pass heat exchanger systems.

The nitrogen rejection equipment will be installed at a large-scale facility in the Permian.

Reset said its technology also emits minimal levels of methane.

"In selecting Reset Energy for this project, the midstream operator demonstrated their confidence in our ability to design flexible and highly customizable nitrogen rejection solutions," said Reset Energy CEO Chris Villegas. "We are proud to support their commitment to deliver high-quality natural gas while also contributing to their methane emission reduction efforts."