Jennifer Pallanich, senior technology editor, Hart Energy: How do you train to drill a well without actually stepping into the drillers cap? By simulation, of course! Find out how this company is using virtual reality to safely train up the new workforce in this Tech Trends with Hart Energy LIVE.

Liam Zeng, VP, CTO, Vertechs: There are operators and trading companies, they emphasize HSE [Health, Safety and Environment] and they emphasize learning. They want to shorten the learning curve of the new engineers. The training is very difficult, especially for operating a drilling rig. You can get a new engineer to operate such a big [piece of] equipment, right? So we found VR technology on the market to make it happen. VR is not new to the market. It has been there for over 10 years. But with the advancement of the technology, we have better hardware. I mean, the headset. So we have some engines like Unreal Engine, which is proven in the games industry. VR [can] give you more intuitive interaction. For example, like for this training scenario, we can simulate kick or blowout or [additional] stuff based on that. So that gives the trainee more intuitive experience about how to operate on a real rig.

JP: Learn about the latest energy industry VR technology at