Jaxon Caines, technology reporter, Hart Energy: How do you manage assets that you can't see or touch? Find out in this Tech Trends with Hart Energy LIVE [with] Cenozon.

Mark Woynarowich, director of operations, Cenozon: We started off Cenozon as a software company supporting the service industry, helping companies understand their assets. And what it's grown into more is bringing in more data pieces, helping them visualize it, to really round out the organization and their understanding of their assets. They're all trying to do one thing and it's really hard when everybody has little bits and pieces of the puzzle to put the whole thing together.

JC: Can you tell us about the Cenozon find and how it gives operators more in order to do more?

MW: Yeah. We've always been challenged with information that operations and field staff are collecting and making because the most important people are the guys out in the field and sometimes they don't have the best tools. We use amazing technology and the drilling completions, the processing world, even the SCADA and communications world, but the people are lacking tools to help them elevate their performance. Our product pulls in a lot of that original information, SCADA systems production, even government and GIS information to help them kind of culminate their organizational assets in a digital fashion. And what we've found was there's a lot of critical information that's left in paper and on file drives and Excel sheets that they lack access to. It's not that they don't have them or they're not managing them, it's just the access to get it and bring it in for more use. They have this abundance of information and we're just learning the value of it.

JC: Every Tuesday we drill into the tech that fuels the oil patch. Learn more at hartenergy.com/ep.