Jennifer Pallanich, senior technology editor, Hart Energy: Find out what technology is speeding up the end-to-end seismic workflow.

Weishan Han, founder and principal CEO, Seiswave: Okay. Seiswave started off as a technology company and we introduce a bunch of new technologies for the seismic wave processing, and we put everything in the part of the migration into the limit, and then we get to the best use of the other resources. We put our software into AWS, we do this migration within about 15 hours. It's much, much less than most of people expect it.

JP: So what does Bluware bring to the equation?

Julian Chenin, geophysical data scientist, Bluware: So we can leverage a lot of Weishan’s kind of innovation, right? You can significantly stack data faster so that we can basically start interpreting and determining where the well path is going to go in a shorter amount of time. So we can take that data immediately and use interactive deep learning where now the geoscientist is at the front and center of the deep learning process. It can guide the deep learning network to identify any feature. The key there is that you can actually utilize these deep learning outputs that are from the cloud and you can use them in all of your geoscience workloads. And so now what we are able to do in just a matter of a day's time of work, usually that process can take a year.

JP: And that's Hart Energy Live’s Tech Trends with me, Jennifer Pallanich. Every Tuesday, we'll have a new episode drilling into the tech that fuels the oil patch at