Utah ranks 11th in the nation in gas production and 13th in oil output. Its future resources are substantial. There are 3.9 trillion cubic feet of proved gas reserves and 215 million barrels of crude oil.

Energy development in Utah continues at a robust pace, reports the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States (IPAMS). Unemployment rates are well below state and national averages. Directly and indirectly, the Utah oil and gas industry employs more than 6,000 people.

Compared with the state (2.6%) and national unemployment averages (4.5%), Utah counties with high levels of oil and gas development have significantly lower unemployment, averaging just 2.2%, IPAMS reports.

Uintah County, the state's largest oil and gas producer, enjoys a 1.9% unemployment rate.

"Compare that to Wayne County (4.2%) and Garfield County (5.9%), where little to no energy development occurs, and it's easy to see why rural counties rich in oil and natural gas resources welcome development activity," says IPAMS vice president Bruce Kelso of Berry Petroleum Co.