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Jennifer Pallanich, senior editor of technology, Hart Energy: A new cloud-based analytics platform helps operators benchmark, predict and optimize their well performance.

Carl Neuhaus, VP, well data products, TGS: So it's a web-based application that takes the best of our well data and geological data and makes it available on the web in streamlined workflows.

JP: So why does the industry need that?

CN: We want to make sure that the decisions our customers are making with the data in those workflows are accurate. So it really boils down to having the most accurate data available in an environment that's very easy to use. Every workflow was requested by a customer and then developed together with customers. We have a customer advisory board that helps us and guides us to make sure that the application that we build is something that actually fits into people's workflows.

JP: So you announced the launch of this new product right here at URTeC. What's next for the well data analytics platform?

CN: Next will be more customer defined features. So everything that you're currently seeing in the application came from customers and [was] developed together with customers, and we have a roadmap for the second half of the year that will also include financial data so we can calculate MPVs for individual wells.

JP: Okay, and how did it perform in testing?

CN: To be honest, it performs great. It's super performant, and we utilized the infrastructure that we built at TGS to handle our other business units. So you can easily load a million wells with no delay.

JP: I have to know—what sets the well data analytics platform apart from other cloud-based platforms that are out there in the industry?

CN: So the first thing's really the input data—it's really, really good data. It's more data than any of the other vendors, and it's better data than [what] any of the other vendors can offer, and it's offered in streamlined workflows. So we took out all the stuff that people don't actually want to use—all the clutter—and made it basically a no fuss, no hassle application.

JP: That's your Hart Energy LIVE exclusive. Learn more at