Estimated volumes at the Dugong discovery are 40 to 120 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe), the company said.
Apache CEO called the well the best one drilled to date in the basin offshore Suriname.
The block where the discovery was made is operated by Eni Vietnam B.V. and ESSAR E&P Ltd.
The SWM-A-6X well hit 130 feet of net oil pay in the Paleozoic sandstones of the Dessouky Formation, Eni said.
The companies are screening development options and intend to fast-track production.
Preliminary estimates indicate between 7 Tcf and 9 Tcf of raw gas in place along with 400-500 MMbbl of associated condensates, the company said.
The discovery was made in the TAL Block in Pakistan, MOL says.
The company put proven reserves at between 3 and 10 million standard cubic meters of recoverable oil equivalent based on preliminary estimates.
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The well hit a 152-m thick gas column in the Messinian age sandstones of the Abu Madi Formation with excellent petrophysical properties, Eni said in a news release.