Granite Oil Releases Alberta Bakken Well Test Results

The well was drilled in the core of the area under the company's gas injection EOR project.

Senegal Clears Cairn's Offshore Exploration Drilling Plans

Cairn plans to begin a 3-D seismic acquisition program in third-quarter 2015, and core and test three appraisal and exploration wells starting in fourth-quarter 2015.

Total Abandons Shale Gas Exploration At Well In Denmark

The well, which is 80 percent owned by Total and 20 percent by Denmark's state oil company Nordsofonden, confirmed the presence of gas but the thickness of the layer was smaller than expected.

QGEP: Brazil Manati Field Holds 13.5 Billion Cubic Meters Of Gas

The Manati Field is 45% owned by QGEP. Partners are Petrobras, Brasoil and Geopark.

Brazil's Subsalt Polygon Could Hold 176 Billion Barrels Of Oil, Gas

There could be enough undiscovered petroleum and natural gas to supply the world's current oil needs for more than five years, researchers said, Reuters reported.

ShaMaran Flows Oil At Chiya Khere-5 Development Well

ShaMaran Petroleum estimates the well can produce more than 10,000 barrels per day of oil.

Lundin Appraisal Well Hits Oil Offshore Norway

Drilled by jackup rig Rowan Viking, the well encountered the oil column in pebbly sandstone with medium to good reservoir quality, Lundin said in a news release.

AWE Opts Out Of Drover-1 Frack

The Drover-1 exploration well will now be decommissioned and rehabilitated back to its pre-existing state, according to AWE.

Appraisal Well Results Confirm Upside Potential At Waitsia Gas Field

The results confirmed initial results from the Senecio-3 discovery well, according to AWE Ltd.

Lundin Confirms Oil, Gas Discovery At Barents Appraisal Site

Results confirmed the reservoir model and proved the presence of hydrocarbon columns and fluid contacts similar to those of the Alta discovery well, located 10 to 20 km northeast of Lundin Petroleum’s Gohta discovery in Barents Sea South, a news release said.