88 Energy Hopeful of Alaska North Slope Oil Find Despite Setbacks

Operational issues prevented the Australian E&P from getting hydrocarbon samples from its two most prospective zones.

E&P Plus Company Spotlight: Seismic Technology Startup Experiences Rapid Growth

STRYDE CEO Mike Popham shares details about the company’s progress since being spun out of bp as well as its new nodal technology, 2021 plans and emerging trends.

APA, Total Halt Drilling at Keskesi Offshore Suriname

The duo had hoped to reach deep Neocomian-aged targets, having already discovered oil and condensate in the Upper Cretaceous-aged Campanian and Santonian intervals.

E&P Plus: Generating Value from Drill Cuttings

A new reservoir analysis software delivers an evaluation for cuttings, logs and drilling data to improve reservoir characterization.

Analysts Discuss Growing Pains Facing US Tight Oil Sector

Similar to real-life growing pains, ‘it’s awkward and it's painful,’ but the U.S. tight oil sector is heading toward a healthier era, Wood Mackenzie analysts say.

E&P Plus Process & Interpretation: Providing Crucial Data Visibility

New software integrates engineering planning with geoscience data for optimal well path designs.

Colorado School of Mines Hosts Online Fall 2020 Reservoir Characterization Project

The Colorado School of Mines Reservoir Characterization Project featured field projects from across the globe including the study of legacy wells and wells currently being drilled by HighPoint Resources in the D-J Basin.

Libya’s NOC Says Schlumberger Agrees to Tech Transfer to Reopen Wells

Libya’s National Oil Corp. (NOC) said on Dec. 2 its Chairman Mustafa Sanallah and Schlumberger Ltd. CEO Olivier Le Peuch agreed on technology transfer talks to help restart the country’s oil wells and improve output.

EOG Shares Insight on Dorado Gas Discovery in Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford

EOG’s newly unveiled Dorado natural gas play has an estimated net resource potential of 21 Tcf in 700 ft of stacked pay in the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale formations.

EOG Adds 21 Tcf Resource Potential with Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford Gas Play

The Houston-headquartered company said Nov. 5 that the Dorado play has an estimated net resource potential of 21 Tcf in 700 ft of stacked pay.