Already a net exporter of natural gas, the United States is poised to be the world’s dominant crude oil producer. Forecasters expect the U.S. to supply 80% of the world’s growth in crude oil production over the next two years and perhaps much longer. Seasoned industry professionals know to expect bumps in the road.
According to Energy Information Administration (EIA) data, U.S. crude production grew 5% in 2017 and a new record appears likely this year. American oil production reached an average 9.3 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d) in 2017, and last November it reached 10.07 MMbbl/d, the highest level in U.S. history.
Texas has led the way to this historic energy turning point. The EIA shows the state produced nearly 3.89 MMbbl/d in January 2018, up 687,000 b/d compared with January a year ago. Texas faces a tsunami of gas
Now Texas sits at the epicenter of a potential pipeline crisis, espe-cially for natural gas. During what Bernstein Research analyst Jean Ann Salisbury has called “the year of the gas tsunami,” a number of new infrastructure projects soon will come online. The questions on everyone’s minds are, “Will they be too much, too soon?” and “Will they be enough?”
Some analysts forecast natural gas pipeline constraints could force Permian Basin producers to shut-in wells or curtail drilling due to surplus associated gas. Since production growth in the Basin is key to America’s newfound energy muscle, all eyes are on Texas.
Boots on the ground know the story
Hundreds of executives, operations managers and engineers from the most active upstream producers, mid-stream operators and their technology pro-viders will grapple with these issues during the 2018 MIDSTREAM Texas conference and exhibition, June 5-6 at the Midland County Horseshoe Pavilion in Midland, Texas.
In its fourth year, this annual conference is the leading venue for midstream infra-structure users and providers across Texas. The conference program explores key proj-ects, challenges and opportunities for pro-ducers, operators and service companies to navigate a changing market.
Solid plans require fresh intelligence Themed “Gateway to the World,” the confer-ence program highlights the growing impact of exports and Texas’ pivotal role in remaking energy markets worldwide. An esteemed slate of speakers will examine new sources or plays (like Apache’s Alpine High), new terminals and pipes (for crude oil, natural gas, NGLs and products), emerging export destinations, as well as legal and regulatory challenges.
MIDSTREAM Texas attendees get a 360-degree view of today’s market. In addition to speakers on the main stage, conference goers enjoy hours of networking with produc-ers, operators and technology providers in and around the exhibition hall.
Bill Ordemann, executive vice president for Enterprise Products Partners LP, will deliver the opening keynote address and place Texas in context with the global industry. Apache Corp. SVP Brian Freed follows with details on how Apache is developing greenfield midstream systems to move the play’s wet-gas production to market.
Next, a midstream executive panel reviews what system operators are doing to link abun-dant supply with growing domestic demand from power generation, petrochemical manufac-turing and basic materials. A spotlight presen-tation shines on marine terminal developments, the nexus between U.S. and overseas markets.
Insights span the global business A panel of financial experts (from EnCap, Flatrock Midstream, Energy Spectrum Partners, and Robert W. Baird & Co.) examines the acquisitions and divestitures environment before Greg Haas, director of integrated energy for Stratas Advisors, details volumes and destinations for America’s growing hydrocarbon exports.
In the afternoon, topics turn toward regulatory and legal issues. Then an expert panel — the SVP for global strategy at Watco, the president of Howard Energy Mexico, and a VP from Rangeland Energy — discusses how Mexico’s internal mid-stream plans to catch up with new capacity from the U.S. and what it means for Texas’ energy industry.
The day wraps up with a midstream thought leader, Cater-pillar Inc.’s chief economist for energy transportation, review-ing what’s needed to ensure successful buildout continues. Afterward, attendees benefit from networking on the exhibit floor during the event’s closing reception.
For more information about the 2018 MIDTREAM Texas conference and exhibition (or any of Hart Energy’s other award-winning conferences), please visit HartEnergyConferences.com.