Frank’s International introduces the iCAM® Connection Analyzed Make-up System, a game-changing disruption in tubular connection analysis and control technology. Recent advances in machine learning and big data analytics, combined with Frank’s proprietary intelligent algorithms, offer a superior method to analyze and utilize the large volumes of data generated by connection make-up operations.
Complex tubular connection designs require complex control and evaluation of the make-up process for maximum performance. The iCAM® system provides automated evaluation of connection make-up data, offering flexible integration with equipment such as power tongs and CRTs to produce optimal connection integrity and accelerate the make-up process, with the potential to reduce personnel on board.
The iCAM® application works in conjunction with the standard DATA TREK® computer system to evaluate CAM graphs for pass/fail criteria once the make-up or break-out is complete. Traditional methods of evaluating CAM graphs rely solely on training and operator experience. The iCAM® application is designed to remove human subjectivity by giving the operator a suggested connection disposition (i.e., Accept/Reject) along with diagnosis and prescription of remedy if an anomaly occurs. It incorporates rules, statistics and machine learning to perform the evaluation and identify potential anomalies. Rules are comprised of connection-specific parameters (e.g., minimum, optimum and maximum torque) published by the connection manufacturers and behaviors derived from historical data. Anomalies that are not subject to hard rules are detected through machine learning and statistical analysis of the historical data associated with a specific connection type.
The iCAM® system has showed strong performance to date. In a string of field trials between January and May of 2019, the DATA TREK® system with iCAM® software was deployed on two projects in the Caspian Sea for a major operator, including on a semi-submersible rig and a production platform. During this period, over 2500 make-up attempts were made with various connections and sizes, run with equipment such as Frank’s tongs and backups, and casing running tools with wireless torque subs. The iCAM® system correctly identified and rejected all connections that required a backout. Using published acceptance criteria, the iCAM® system performed at 99.9% accuracy for Accepts and 100% for Rejects.
The iCAM® system is available now, everywhere that Frank’s operates around the world, including land, shelf and deepwater. Building on automation technology introduced in 2004, it is the latest in the Frank’s Well of the Future/Rig of the Future technology development pipeline that seeks to improve safety, reliability, well integrity and efficiency, while reducing costs for our customers. Learn more here.