3Legs Resources plc and its subsidiary, Lane Energy Poland, has reported on its activities targeting Poland’s shale prospects.

During the course of the last 6 months of 2010 and the first quarter of 2011, the company successfully drilled, cored and carried out testing on 2 vertical wells on its Baltic Basin acreage, under the carry provisions of the agreement reached with ConocoPhillips in August 2009.

The company’s first well on the L?bork concession (?ebie? LE1) underwent a single stage fracture stimulation in November 2010 followed by a period of testing. This included a limited amount of flaring.

The company is now focused on establishing the likely volumes of gas that can be produced from a well with a horizontal section and a multi-stage frac. Presently, 3Legs has further drilling activity planned with ConocoPhillips for the Baltic Basin this year, scheduled to commence in early Q2.