Shocking 1, which has potential for more than 250,000 barrels of recoverable oil, is the first of two consecutive wells to be drilled in Ambassador's first ever exploration drilling program.

The Shocking structure is mapped as having an upside recoverable oil potential in excess of 500,000 barrels from the Murta, McKinlay and basal Birkhead/Hutton formations, all well known oil producing horizons in the Cooper basin.

The Shocking 1 well is just 65 km south-east of the Moomba oil and gas processing facility and is only 1.8 km north of the Vintage Crop oil field, currently in production. If successful and subject to appropriate commercial arrangements, the Shocking well can be efficiently linked to this facility with the oil produced and trucked to market.

Shocking 1 is being drilled by the Century 3 drilling rig with the well expected to take 14 days to reach planned total depth of 1700 metres. After Shocking 1, the Kruger 1 oil exploration well will be drilled in PEL 516. The Kruger 1 well has a recoverable oil potential of 380,000 barrels if successful.

Shocking 1 is the most north-westerly sub-culmination on the large Narcoonowie Horst and is expected to have multiple oil reservoirs similar to neighbouring, commercial, oil discoveries.

Vintage Crop 1, also located on the Narcoonowie Horst, was drilled in May/June 2011 and discovered oil in the McKinlay member of the Murta formation. It was subsequently completed as an oil well and is currently producing from the McKinlay. This result enhances the prospectivity of the Shocking prospect.