Aurelian Oil & Gas (LON: AUL) has completed fracture stimulation of Trzek-2 and it has subsequently achieved an initial production (IP) rate of 17 million standard cubic feet per day (MMcf/d).

This is the first multi-fraced horizontal well on the Siekierki tight gas project in Poland.

In Trzek-2, ten separate zones were successfully fracture stimulated along the 1,350m of horizontal wellbore.

Initial production was recorded at 17 MMcf/d during a short term test, this compares very favorably to the 7.5 MMcf/d production rate recorded in the standard vertical Trzek-1 well in 2007.

"Aurelian is the first company to successfully use multi-frac horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs in Poland and to produce a very good initial flow rate is a great result," said Rowan Bainbridge, Aurelian’s chief executive. "This represents an important step forward in the delivery of Aurelian's plan to develop our 346 billion cubic feet project at Siekierki."

Aurelian will now carry out clean-up operations and shut-in the well for two days, after that Trzek-2 will be flowed for 30 days. It will establish the well’s stabilized flow rate and its ultimate recovery levels, based on the test.

Meanwhile the second Siekierki MFHW, Trzek-3, is currently being drilled at around 2,500 meters in the vertical pilot section.

The horizontal section of Trzek-3 is scheduled to be completed by May or early June 2011. It will then undergo hydraulic fracturing and it will be flow-tested by late June or early July.

Trzek-3 is targeting a separate part of the Siekierki structure, which has an estimated recoverable resource estimated of 16 to 28 billion cubic feet.

The Siekierki tight gas project is hosted on the Poznan licences which is held by Aurelian’s 90% owned subsidiary Energia Zach?d. Avobone NV own the other 10% of the subsidiary.