AWE Ltd. provides the following update on the shale gas and tight gas testing program at the Arrowsmith-2 well, situated in the Perth Basin, Western Australia.

Flow back and testing of the next shale gas target in the Arrowsmith-2 well, the Carynginia formation, commenced on Feb. 15.

According to the release, the operator of the EP413 joint venture, Norwest Energy NL, has advised that early results have been promising with a maximum gas flow rate of equivalent 350,000 standard cubic feet per day recorded on several occasions since the well commenced flow back.

The Carynginia formation was hydraulic stimulated in August 2012 but was only flowed back for a limited period due to a tight operational timeline. As a result, there is still a significant percentage of the frac fluid remaining in the formation. The strong early gas rate demonstrated by the Carynginia under these conditions is an encouraging sign.

Norwest advises that the testing of the Carynginia formation, Irwin River coal measures and High Cliff sandstones is expected to take up to four months, depending upon operations.

In addition, the operator advised that further analysis of the Kockatea shale will be undertaken by independent consultants to evaluate its potential as an oil producing zone.

The joint venture partners in Arrowsmith-2 are Norwest Energy NL (Operator) 27.945%, AWE Ltd. (via subsidiaries) 44.252%, and Bharat PetroResources Ltd. 27.803%.