Two Norwegian appraisal wells aimed at proving up an extension on the Butch discovery have failed to find hydrocarbons.

Centrica operated the 8/10-5A well on the Butch East prospect which was drilled at location close to the 2011 Butch Main discovery with the Maersk Giant jackup, and encountered an Upper Jurassic sandstone reservoir but no hydrocarbons were found, drilling partner Faroe Petroleum reported in a stock exchange statement.

The 8/10-5A Butch East well spudded in December 2013 and reached a total depth of 2,307 m (7,566 ft). The subsequent updip appraisal well 8/10-5S was drilled back to back and will be plugged and abandoned, Faroe stated.

These are the first of two appraisal wells to be drilled in Norwegian license PL405, and were drilled in a water depth of 65 m (213 ft) close to the BP Ula Field, 7km (4.3 miles) to the northwest, and 10 km (6.25 miles) from the Tambar Field.

Centrica is already working on a development plan for the Butch main field, and the Maersk Giant is next due to drill further wells to the east and southwest.