Cordillera Energy Partners III, LLC announced the results from six company operated wells in Western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle.

Prolific Marmaton Well in Western Oklahoma

The Skyy 2-33HC was drilled from a surface location in the SWSE of Section 33, T15N, R24W, to a TD of 15,315’ in the NWNE of the same section. The Marmaton formation in this area has an average TVD of 11,140’ and a net sand thickness of 74’. Due to mechanical complications, the lateral was not fully cased and only accessible to complete from 11,518, to 13,597’. In a recent 24 hour period, the well sold 14,887 mcf and 1,157 bo on a 28/64” choke with a flowing casing pressure of 3,400 psi. The natural gas has a heating value of 1,197 btu/cf, therefore, an additional 1,378 bbls/d of liquids will be recovered after processing. Including NGL recovery at a 6:1 conversion ratio, and accounting for residue gas shrinkage, the Skyy 2-33HC initial production rate is 4,546 boe/d.

Last year, Cordillera announced strong results from their first horizontal Marmaton well in the area, the Galileo 2-4HA, and the company has two newly drilled and fully cased horizontal wells waiting on completion in their central Roger Mills County Marmaton prospect.

Multiple High Rate Granite Wash Completions in the Texas Panhandle and Western Oklahoma

Cordillera recently completed the Bowers 104HC producing 15,317 mcf and 540 bo in a 24 hour sales period on a 40/64” choke with a flowing casing pressure of 2,650 psi. After processing the 1,215 btu/cf gas, an additional 1,398 bbls/d of liquids will be recovered. Including NGL recovery at a 6:1 conversion ratio, and accounting for residue gas shrinkage, the Bowers 104HC initial production rate is 4,079 boe/d. The Hemphill County, TX well was drilled from a surface location in the SWSE of Section 4, Block A-1, H&GN Survey northward to a TD of 15,897’ in the NWNE of the same section. The 3,986’ lateral was completed in the Granite Wash “B” bench at an average TVD of 11,650’. Cordillera, and its wholly owned subsidiary Granite Operating, have scheduled multiple wells targeting several Granite Wash benches in this lightly drilled portion of eastern Hemphill County.

The Smith, A.C. 5H, in Wheeler County, TX, was drilled from a surface location in the SESE of Section 41, Block A-3, H&GN Survey northward to a TD of 17,280’ in the NENE of the same section. The 4,266’ lateral was drilled in the Granite Wash “Britt” bench at an average TVD of 12,650’. After clean-up of the twelve stage completion, the well sold 10,160 mcf and 298 bo in 24 hours. Using a similar methodology to calculate plant products and account for residue gas shrinkage, the Smith, A.C. 5H initial production rate is 2,646 boe/d. In 2011, Cordillera, and its wholly owned subsidiary Granite Operating, announced similar high-rate results from three other wells in their eastern Wheeler County stacked Granite Wash development area.

Continued Success in the Tonkawa Formation in Western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle

The Bradshaw 1-11HB was drilled from a surface location in the SESW of Section 11, T13N, R24W, to a TD of 13,686’ in the NENW of the same section of Roger Mills County, OK. The new Tonkawa horizontal is at a TVD of 9,140’ and was completed from 9,433’ to 13,467’ MD. In a recent 24 hour sales period, the well produced 1,254 bo and 847 mcf of 1,241 btu/cf gas.

Cordillera has applied drilling and completion techniques developed in its active Tonkawa program in Western Oklahoma to a new horizontal Tonkawa well in Hemphill County, TX. The Lockhart 10-4HB was drilled from a surface location in the SESW of Section 10, Block 43, H&TC Survey northward to a TD of 11,977’ in the NENW of the same section. The 4,033’ lateral was drilled completed in eleven stages and produced 944 bo and 1,761 mcf of gas with a heating value of 1,280 btu/cf in a recent 24 hour sales period.

Prolific Cleveland oil producer in Hemphill County, Texas

The Elliott Unit 1HA was recently completed in the Cleveland formation producing 645 bod and 443 mcfd of 1,335 btu/cf gas from a seventeen stage packer-and-sleeve system with ports from 8,965’ to 13,061’. The well was drilled from a surface location in the SWSW of Section 20, Block 43, H&TC Survey to a bottom-hole location in the NWNW of the same section. The Cleveland formation is at a TVD of 8,680’ in this area.