The Exillon West Siberia (EWS) well EWS I - 44 flowed 768 barrels per day (b/d) of oil through a 10-mm (25/64-inch) choke from the southeastern part of the East EWS I field, according to Exillon Energy.

EWS I - 44 well was spudded on Aug. 1 from well pad 32. The well encountered the Jurassic P reservoir at 1,834 m (6,052 ft), confirming 7.3 m (24 ft) of effective net oil pay within the Jurassic and 3.1 m (10.2 ft) of oil-water transition zone. These results support the existing geological model.

The well was drilled directionally 1.3 km to the west from the existing well pad. On completion of testing the well will be connected to existing production facilities.

Exillon Energy has assets in two oil-rich regions of northern Russia, Timan-Pechora (Exillon TP) and West Siberia (Exillon WS).