Well NN-71 in the NovoNikolaevskoye field in Ukraine has been successfully recompleted to the Visean V-15 sandstone reservoir. Following a three-stage test, the well is producing at a stabilized rate of 4.3 MMcf/d of gas and 342 b/d of condensate through a 93/64-in choke with a flowing wellhead pressure of 625 psi, JKX Oil & Gas said in a news release.

The results indicate the reservoir still has good pressure support, despite the previous production from this reservoir at nearby well NN-9 which has been producing hydrocarbons for more than 28 years, the release said. Static and dynamic modeling is now underway to analyze the remaining hydrocarbons in place. Early indications are that these may be sufficiently encouraging to support the addition of a flank well.

Earlier this year, the re-interpretation of the recently re-processed 3-D seismic and the new, overlapping West NovoNikolaevskoye 3-D seismic data set revealed an amplitude anomaly coinciding with the structural closure of the V-15 NovoNikolaevskoye field, the release said. The anomaly was accessible at the NN-71 location and, as a result of this re-interpretation, the first workover operation for the recently returned TW-100 rig was to recomplete the well to the overlying V-15 reservoir and perforate a 15-m (49-ft) interval.

Well NN-71 was first drilled in 2009 as a Visean V-25 reservoir well and subsequently recompleted to the V-16 as part of the early development of the NovoNikolaevskoye production license at Poltava, Ukraine, the release said. Both of these deeper reservoirs are no longer producing at this well location.