JKX Oil & Gas said it has completed the acidization program on its three production wells in the Koshekhablskoye field in southern Russia, and production is now exceeding the nominal 40 MMcf/d production capacity of the gas plant. Increased commercial gas sales are ongoing under the existing sales delivery contract.

The hydrochloric acid program was initiated in January to enhance the productivity of the three production wells by improving conditions in the near wellbore and removing residual drilling fluids in the open-hole sections, the company said. The program was performed sequentially on well-25, well-27, and well-20 with approximately 25 tons of 15% acid solution plus inhibitors being deployed in each well.

The coiled tubing unit was first deployed on well-25, the deepest well of the three, which is located on the north flank of the field. This well has now stabilized at a rate of 13 MMcf/d with a flowing WHP of 1,650 psi through a 42/64-in choke, according to the news release. Well-20 and well-27 are located on the crest of the field in the more highly fractured zone and were anticipated to be more productive. Following acidization, Well 27 stabilized at a rate of 15.8 MMcf/d with a flowing WHP of 3,470 psi though a 30/64-in choke.

Acidization of well-20 has just been completed. Initial production rates have reached 15.9 MMcf/d with a flowing WHP of 4,745 psi through a 25/64-in choke, the release continued. Following initial clean-up, well-20 has been routed through the gas plant with total throughput being stepped up slowly with well-25 production held constant and well-27 being choked back to accommodate production from well-20.

The plant is now operating just above its nominal design capacity, and the wells will continue to be opened up slowly to examine the plant’s capacity to process throughput beyond the design specification, the company said. In-house simulation indicates the main plant units are capable of handling at least 50 MMcf/d, and possibly as much as 60 MMcf/d. However, some of the interconnecting pipework and valves may need replacement. This work will be carried out by the operations team on-site.