Australia will emerge as a dominant player in global shale gas market according to upcoming research report “Australia Shale Gas Market Analysis” by KuicK Research.

As per the research report findings, Australia is looking to build its shale gas reserves rapidly to gain a better foothold in the world shale gas market and also increase its natural gas exports. Its biggest market is the ever energy hungry Asia. As Asian nations are slowly moving towards becoming gas based economies, Australian gas is finding more buyers and better markets. This is the right time for Australia to tap the market and flood it with its own gas produce.

The Australian shale gas development is in its embryonic stage. Companies are just getting hold of acreages and more are coming in for purchasing of blocks and partnering with the existing block owners. The government is yet to make policies and regulations for the sale of shale gas blocks and their development.

“Australia Shale Gas Market Analysis” research report gives detailed overview on the multiple aspects related to shale gas development and exploration scenario in Australia.