OAO Lukoil started production drilling at the Imilorsko-Istochniy license area in central Russia, according to a company press release.

The drilling is ahead of schedule for its “Early Oil” project in the area; the original plan was to start production drilling at the site in September 2014. Lukoil expects to produce first oil ahead of schedule as well, the release said.

So far, 23 km (14 miles) of pipelines, 42 km (26 miles) of roads, and a 74-m (243-ft) bridge across the Entl-Imiyagun River have been constructed. Four well pads are under development, and 3-D seismic data have been collected for an area of more than 1,500 sq km (579 sq miles).

Lukoil plans to conduct follow-up exploration and study of the license area by performing additional seismic surveys, retesting 20 historic wildcat wells, and drilling 11 new wildcat wells.