The following information is provided by TenOaks Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to TenOaks. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.
TenOaks Energy Advisors LLC has been retained to assist in the potential sale of 100% of the equity of an undisclosed company whose primary assets include operated and nonoperated properties in the Scoop and Stack play in Oklahoma.
- About 20,000 net acres
- About 8,000 net barrels of oil equivalent per day
- Roughly $43 million in operating cash flow (annualized last six months)
- 60% of proved developed producing (PDP) hedged through 2020
- 10 high interval rate of return operated drilled but uncompleted wells (DUCs) provide near term upside
- Nonop activity includes 82 DUCs / 29 permits primarily in the Springboard area of Grady County
- Well-capitalized, respected operators (Continental Resources Inc. / Encana Corp.) actively developing the nonop properties
Bids are due by noon CST Jan. 16. A virtual data room will be available beginning Dec. 19. For information visit or contact Forrest Salge, TenOaks vice president, at 214-420-2327 or