Max Petroleum Plc announced in a press release the SAGQ-6 appraisal well in the Sagiz West field in Kazakhstan has reached a total vertical depth of 1,453 m (4,767 ft). Electric logs indicate 30 m (98 ft) of net oil pay over a 93-m (305-ft) interval at depths ranging from 1,194 m to 1,287 m (3,917 ft to 4,222 ft).
Reservoir quality appears good with porosities ranging from 15% to 23%, according to the press release. The company is running production casing in the well, which will be completed and placed on test production after obtaining the requisite governmental approvals.
The ZJ-30 drilling rig will next move to drill the SAGE-14 appraisal well near the southern end of the Sagiz West field, according to the release.