Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) plans to sign a partner agreement on shale gas exploration in autumn. Several American corporations have shown interest in the project i.e.: Chevron, Exxon and Marathon, ‘Rzeczpospolita’ daily notes.

According to the newspaper, Poland’s largest gas company may finalize the talks with one of the American firms in October. The CEO of PGNiG Micha? Szubski admits that talks with American companies holding licenses on shale gas exploration have been held since months.

The chairman of the Supervisory Board at PGNiG Stanis?aw Rychlicki underlines that the negotiations are in an advanced stage. “American companies have the financial potential and it is a known fact that exploration is burdened with risk. That is why forming a partnership is so important for PGNiG’ he is quoted as saying. The newspaper found out from unofficial sources that the company has a ready list of exploration projects.