Randy Stevens has launched his third start-up E&P. Midland, Texas- and Dallas-based Stanolind Oil and Gas LP has been formed with private-equity backing from Natural Gas Partners to acquire and exploit properties in the Permian Basin and Midcontinent, primarily, and will look at acquiring operations in other basins as well.

Stevens, president and chief executive officer, formed and sold two other NGP-backed E&Ps: Stanolind Oil and Gas Corp., which was sold to Eagle Rock Energy in April 2008 and of which he was president and CEO, and Permian Resources Holdings Inc., which was sold to Chesapeake Energy Corp. in 2004 and of which he was executive vice president, chief financial officer and a principal.

Marshall J. Eves is executive vice president of the new Stanolind and heads the Dallas office. Eves was previously operations manager for H&M Resources LLC, involving Permian and Midcontinent properties, and with Pioneer Natural Resources as an engineer on its South Texas and Permian assets.

Stevens leads the Midland office. Bob Marshall and Randy Bruno, advisory directors and investors with the newly formed Stanolind, were principles in Permian Resources Holdings, and Marshall was an investor with the prior Stanolind.

Eves can be reached at 972-663-9480 and m.eves@stanolind.com; Stevens can be reached at 432-685-1855 and RStevens@stanolind.com <mailto:xRStevens@Stanolind.com> .