Range Resources Limited, West Perth, (ASX: RRS) has reported the following updates with respect to the company's Texas operations.

North Chapman Ranch

The drilling rig has recently moved to the Smith #2 site, being an offset well to the Smith #1 discovery well. The Smith #2 well is regarded as a relatively low risk development well. Once completed, the rig is expected to move to the Albrecht #1 well site, a step-out well that is intended to extend the North Chapman Ranch field to the south east with the objective of adding significant reserves, production, and cash flow. Should the Smith #2 and Albrecht #1 prove successful, the partners will jointly consider a multi-well program for 2012 that could see as many as four additional wells drilled in the field.

The company will look to provide regular updates as to the progress of the Smith #2 drilling operations.

East Texas Cotton Valley

The operator has resumed testing of the Ross 3H horizontal wells with additional perforations being added between 7,245 and 7,675 feet in the horizontal section. Swabbing operations have commenced looking to confirm oil saturation before the commencement of fracing operations to the reservoir.