San Leon Energy plc, Dublin, (LSE: SLE) has provided an update on its unconventional operations in Poland.

The company's updates include:

  • Interpretation and prospect evaluation is ongoing in Szczecinek Block 106 (San leon 50%). San Leon and its partner, Gas Plus, are looking at further studies including a regional core study to evaluate the paleogeography and continued evaluation of the newly acquired 3D survey. Gas Plus, the operator of the license, are likely to delay drilling until 2012 (from 3Q 2011) due to internal planning considerations.
  • The Baltic Basic 2D seismic program, over the Gdansk W, Braniewo and Szczawno Concessions, was completed in June 2011. The Company successfully acquired 480 km of 2D data. The program was completed with a perfect HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) performance. A drilling rig has been booked for August 1, 2011, which will be used to drill three back-to-back wells.
  • Geofizyka Krakow completed 120 km of high quality 2D seismic over the Company's 100% owned Nida Concession in May 2011. The data has been interpreted and confirmed three high potential structures on trend with the prolific Grobla and Plowice oil fields. A San Leon subsidiary, Vabush Energy, plans to drill two of these prospects commencing in July/August 2011.
  • Acoustic Geophysical has started the acquisition of 165 km2 of 3D seismic on the Company's 100% owned Nowa Sol Concession. The survey is currently c.20% complete and is seeking to delineate numerous prospects and leads along the southern Fore Sudetic Monocline of the Permian Basin. This survey is designed to support an upcoming drilling campaign in the Nowa Sol Concession which is currently planned to start in 4Q 2011.
  • Work is ongoing in the Carboniferous shale play across the Wschowa, Gora, Winsko and Rawicz Concessions (San Leon 100%). The Company continues to evaluate the existing core and well data in preparation for the first exploration well in the area which is planned for 4Q 2011. Core analysis is being performed by TerraTek (Schlumberger) and the Polish Oil & Gas Institute in Krakow. Petrophysics on the existing well logs has been performed by NuTech.

"We continue to make steady progress and meet our objectives as we move from seismic acquisition to drilling on many of our licenses," says Oisin Fanning, chairman. "The completion of three seismic acquisition programs in Poland, particularly the 2D seismic acquisition in the Baltic Basin, and the start of another program on our Nowa Sol Concession mean our shareholders can now look forward to drilling these prospects over the coming months.

"The company's operational and technical capacity continues to grow in line with our increasing activity, particularly in Poland, where our knowledge base and expertise is geared towards delivering near term value for our shareholders."