Shelton Petroleum has recently completed a series of activities designed to increase oil production at the Rustamovskoye oil field in Russia. A two-well fracing program has substantially increased well productivity. In addition, the drilling of the field's fourth well has been completed, and oil was encountered at target depth.

Shelton Petroleum has raised its oil production as a result of the fracking of wells #1 and #11 that was carried out during the summer. Production from these two wells and the #2 well on the Rustamovskoye field amounts to almost 400 BOPD, an increase of nearly 100% since the beginning of the year. The company now produces a total of over 700 BOPD, including the operations in Ukraine.

The new #12 well has been drilled to a total depth of 2,500 meters. Oil has been encountered in the same sandstone formation from which the three other wells produce. The logs indicate good reservoir properties. Shelton Petroleum is currently testing and optimizing the flow of the well.