Solara Exploration Ltd., Calgary, (TSX: SAA) has recently participated in the completion and stimulation of a horizontal Cardium well located at Lsd. 8-17-45-5 W5M in the Buck Lake (Pembina) area of Alberta, in which the company owns a 20.67% working interest.

The well was placed on production on June 29, 2011 and continued to flow and produce at average rates of approximately 700 BOE/d comprised of 580 bbls/d of oil and 720 Mcf/d of natural gas per day for the first fourteen days. As at July 12, 2011, the well continued to produce approximately 464 BOE/d at a tubing pressure of 1,700 kpa. Initial production rates may not be reflective of sustainable daily production rates and future production rates may differ materially from the production rates reflected in this press release. Based on management's technical assessment, Solara has five additional horizontal Cardium development drilling locations on its lands in the Buck Lake (Pembina) area of which the company plans to operate and drill two locations with the first well (20% working interest) scheduled later this month and the second well (100% working interest subject to GOR) to be drilled in August.

The company also advises that it recently drilled and cased a potential oil well on its Borradaile project in eastern Alberta. Solara plans on completing and equipping the well for production within the next few weeks. This well is the second well to be drilled on the Borradaile project since the original discovery well was drilled in March, 2011. In addition, Solara has drilled and cased a potential oil well on its Rivercourse property located in eastern Alberta. The company plans to undertake completion operations before the end of July. Solara owns a 100% working interest in the Borradaile well and 94% in the Rivercourse well.