Analysis of data from Well AKK19, the third shallow gas exploration well of Tethys Petroleum Ltd.’s 2014 program, has indicated that the well has a pay zone twice as thick as the AKK15 well. The AKK15 well tested gas at a stable rate of about 195 Mcm/d (7MMcf/d), and the AKK19 well is anticipated to test at significantly more than that rate, a Tethys press release said.

The AKK19 well was drilled to a depth of 800 m (2,624 ft) about 5 km (3.1 miles) southeast of AKK15 and encountered an 8-m (26-ft) interval of gas-bearing Tasaran sand with an average porosity of 30%. This compares favorably to the AKK15 well that encountered a 4-m (13.1-ft) gas-bearing interval of similar quality.

The AKK19 well will now be cased and prepared for production testing later in the year in conjunction with the AKK17 and AKK18 wells.