The AKK17 well in Kazakhstan was drilled to a depth of 653 m (2,142 ft) some 2.2 km (1.4 miles) northeast of the AKK15 well and encountered a 4-m (13.1-ft) interval of gas-bearing Tasaran sand with an average porosity of 31%, according to Tethys Petroleum Ltd.

The AKK17 well will be flowed as part of a testing program that will be carried out after further wells have been drilled. Analysis of data from the well indicates the AKK17 is similar to the AKK15 well, which tested gas at a stable rate of approximately 1,167 boe/d (7 MMcf/d). The AKK17 is the first shallow gas exploration well of its 2014 program.

The drilling rig has now been mobilized to the second shallow gas exploration well location, AKK18.