Column: EOG on Its New Frac Design: ‘No Comment’
EOG Resources has a new Delaware Basin frac design that’s lifting Wolfcamp production and EUR by 20% and more. How? Here are some clues.
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The author of The American Shales, Darbonne has been a journalist since 1984, beginning in the oil and gas fields of South Louisiana. She writes for Oil and Gas Investor and is actively involved in Hart's conference agendas. Prior to joining Hart in 1998, she was the business editor for The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, La.) and a correspondent for The Morning Advocate (Baton Rouge). She received her BA in English and journalism from the University of Southwestern Louisiana, now known as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
EOG Resources has a new Delaware Basin frac design that’s lifting Wolfcamp production and EUR by 20% and more. How? Here are some clues.
The Delaware Basin’s Harkey Mills sandstone is producing on a par with neighbors Bone Spring and Wolfcamp.
“I think that these higher [interest] rates are going to lead to more equity [deals] from the smaller companies,” Pioneer Natural Resources President and COO Rich Dealy said in an exclusive interview.
Recompletions in the Eagle Ford are underway, with future refrac wells identified by companies such as Devon Energy and Murphy Oil.
Nissa Darbonne, Hart Energy’s executive editor-at-large, talks with ZeroSix Chief Commercial Officer Samantha Holroyd about turning plugging and abandonment liabilities into cash.
Hart Energy's Nissa Darbonne sat down with IPAA Chairman Steve Pruett at SUPER DUG to discuss permit reform, saying "oil and gas isn't going away."
In a conversation with Hart Energy's Nissa Darbonne at the SUPER DUG conference and exhibition, Elevation Resources CEO Steve Pruett says he prefers to see stable oil prices rather than unsustainable prices in the triple digits.
At the SUPER DUG conference in Fort Worth, Texas, Quantum Energy's Wil VanLoh sat down with Hart Energy's Nissa Darbonne to talk investment prospects in oil and gas and the future of decarbonization.
Quantum Energy Partners' Wil VanLoh says there is some merit to geothermal today, but that he doubts it will "supply a significant portion of our electricity domestically."
Devon Energy's Clay Gaspar said he is looking at the future of Devon Energy with 'a 2030 and a 2040 mindset.'
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