And the winner is ... Dan Pickering, the popular energy analyst who leads the research team at Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Securities Inc. Pickering won the recent third annual YES Texas Hold 'Em Oil & Gas Tournament, benefiting YES Prep schools. What did Pickering win? Bragging rights. "To comply with Texas law, the tournament winners received bragging rights, no cash prizes," tournament organizers, who include the law firm Haynes and Boone, report. The games, held at the Rice Hotel downtown Houston, raised more than $450,000. More than 300 industry members played well past sundown. Meeting Pickering at the final table were Jenny McCarthy and Dawn Koctar, both of Alta Resources; Nelson Lee of Neste Oil; Andy McConn of Wright Asphalt; Mickey Barrett of Vitol; Oliver Beckmann of Odin Marine; Carlo Limchuatuan of Marathon Oil; and Lars Wogen of McQuilling Brokerage Partners. 2008 scholarship sponsors are Alta Resources LLC, KiwiEnergy and Vitol. Royal Flush sponsors were Carrizo Oil & Gas, MultiFuels, Schlumberger, Haynes and Boone, Clarksons, Whitney Bank and SCS Commodities Corp./SCS OTC Corp. Information on participating in next year's games is available from Heather Teel, --Nissa Darbonne, Executive Editor, Oil and Gas Investor, A&D Watch, Oil and Gas Investor This Week and;