
Midstream Connect: Port Is Well-Positioned For The New Export Paradigm

The port’s CEO says that completing improvements to the ship channel could allow the port to add the value of as much as $40 billion per year in exports.

October 17, 2018

Mexico's Lopez Obrador Pushes Big Oil To Hurry, But Offers Little

At his first meeting with foreign oil majors, Mexico's leftist president-elect pushed the companies to prove themselves by quickly pumping oil from recent finds, sources said, but gave no sign of offering up new fields to reverse dwindling output.

October 16, 2018

China Slashes US LPG Imports Amid Trade War

China has choked back on imports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from the United States, traders and analysts said on Oct. 9, turning to the Middle East for extra supplies amid the two countries’ trade dispute.

October 9, 2018

US Actively Considering Waivers On Iran Oil Sanctions

The Trump administration is actively considering waivers on sanctions it will reimpose next month for countries that are reducing their imports of Iranian oil, a U.S. government official said on Oct. 5.

October 8, 2018

DUG Eagle Ford: New Natural Gas World Emerges

The U.S. is on the verge of changing natural gas on a global scale.

October 5, 2018

Guyana Puts Oil Auctions On Hold To Better Oversee Energy Boom

Guyana has put planned oil auctions on hold as the impoverished South American country works to establish a Department of Energy to oversee the energy boom, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said on Sept. 24.

September 25, 2018

‘Year Of Recovery’ Sets Up Future Industry Growth

Current trends have created positive global growth for the oil and gas industry, Deloitte’s John England told DUG Eagle Ford attendees.

September 24, 2018

HEADLINES: Oil Output Will Rise; Mexico Begins Contract Review

The EIA forecasts U.S. oil output to rise but at its lowest level since 2016 plus Mexico’s president-elect follows through on his promise, Tall City’s Permian return and a new destination for U.S. LNG.

September 20, 2018

Iran Claims Full Control Of Gulf, Could Block Other Countries’ Oil Exports

Iran’s head of the navy of its Revolutionary Guards, General Alireza Tangsiri, claimed his country has full control of the Persian Gulf and the U.S. Navy does not belong there.

August 27, 2018

Oil Edges Higher As Iran Sanctions Outweigh Trade Concerns

Oil rose on Aug. 21, buoyed by the prospect of price support from U.S. sanctions on Iran, although with concern brewing about the outlook for demand, particularly in light of the trade dispute between Washington and Beijing, gains were limited.

August 21, 2018