E&P Magazine - August 2001

As I See It

Manage service company supply chain

Beyond the hype, supply chain management offers potential gains.

Cover Story

Reawaken your career

With high oil prices, petroleum industry executives are again lamenting the lack of skilled workers.

Drilling Technologies

Offshore drilling is very safe

Our industry must work together to dispel fears about safety and the environment.


More drilling beefs up the Barents

Several operators are aiming to start new wildcats in the Norwegian part of Barents Sea this year and in 2002 following the successful wells drilled by Agip in 2000. However, scarcity of drilling rigs could become a wrench in the works for the drilling campaign.

Tech Watch

Deepwater frac volumes grow growproppant

Larger dry, liquid volumes needed for deepwater wells set demand for higher frac vessel storage capacity.

Activity Highlights

Save us from politicians

Ex-Halliburton czar and US Vice President Dick Cheney left the lofty haunts of Washington, D.C., in mid-July, to sell President George Bush's energy plan to an increasingly skeptical nation.

Another Perspective

Brent gets a new lease on life

Brent, the oil field that gave its name to one of the best known traded crudes in the world, is enjoying a second lease on life.

Clair, Magnus fields reconsidered

Long talked about as the future for the North Sea industry, the west of Shetlands region is facing a crunch year.

It's all a matter of physics

The two groups with "physicist" in their job titles would like to see more focus on rocks and less focus on silos.

Majestic Maureen makes it

After 8 years of preparation, the day came and went swimmingly. Maureen, the biggest fixed platform in the North Sea to be moved, has risen from the deep and refloated.

More drilling beefs up the Barents

Several operators are aiming to start new wildcats in the Norwegian part of Barents Sea this year and in 2002 following the successful wells drilled by Agip in 2000.

North Sea rolls on

Strong prices spur investment in North Sea prospects.

Prepare for the worst offshore

Canada's harsh-environment operators are ready for anything.

Reservoir studies revisited

True integration takes more than mixing and matching oil company disciplines.

Tiebacks boost efficiency

2001 has been a year of satellite success stories in the North Sea.

World Map

Gonna put it in the want ads

The oil industry needs some new blood. But is any mere human being up to the task?