E&P Magazine - January 2002

Cover Story

Build better relations

It is time for the energy industry to implement a public relations plan to win the hearts and minds of people across the country.

Drilling Technologies

Reclaim the oil from cuttings

As environmental regulations tighten, operators are faced with limited options for oil- and synthetic-based mud and cuttings disposal.

Tech Watch

DOE mulls shallowwater royalty relief

As imports become riskier, the US Department of Energy (DOE) investigates ways to extend productive life of marginal Gulf properties.

Activity Highlights

Heroes with clay feet

Faster than a speeding locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Another Perspective

4-C system goes ultradeep

An autonomous four-component seabed system offers a deepwater alternative to ocean-bottom cable.

Amplitude responses image reservoir

A new approach to seismic interpretation improves resolution and reduces risk.

Conductors revamped for deep water

Conductor systems suitable for deepwater and harsh-environment jackups must account for increased wave and current loading, greater casing weights and the influence of jackup movement.

Demand drives energy growth

Nations around the world want to use gas and sell oil, creating an imbalance that forces strong growth in gas production.

Diversity increases supply security

As nations seek greater energy self-sufficiency, they will turn in increasing numbers to offshore oil and gas sources.

Hang in there; it will get better

This year will be the opposite of 2001 - a little drilling in the first half and more in the second half.

ITBS extracts 75 million bbl from Troll

A new multilateral system has enabled Norsk Hydro to increase production from a deepwater field.

New technology ready and waiting

Seismic contractors have a pipeline full of new ideas in anticipation of favorable market conditions.

Production moves to world decline

Depletion of non-Opec oil reserves puts more control in the hands of Opec and offers technology-based profit opportunities.

Spending declines greet price uncertainty

Worldwide cash outlays that drive future oil and gas production will decline in 2002, but spending will remain strong.

Vibrator combines mobility, low impact

A new generation of vehicle with a smooth ride is minimizing the environmental impact of seismic operations.

World Map

Only in union is there strength

PGS and Veritas prepare for an April wedding in hopes of providing a little more competition for WesternGeco.