E&P Magazine - September 2002

As I See It

Managers hold performance keys

Management support is absolutely essential to the success of a multidisciplinary team, and its absence can negatively impact a team and its final results.

Cover Story

Awareness boosts security

Since Sept. 11, the rules have shifted, creating a world where the most far-fetched threat can never be taken lightly.

Drilling Technologies

Manage your tapped resources

As another cycle approaches, how will oil prices, capital expenditures, stocks and labor levels affect the industry?


Deltana prospects stir international dreams

Operators vie for 38 Tcf in gas reserves.

Tech Watch

Just-in-time fracturing improves results

Mixing proppant and fluid downhole reduces the risk, increases the efficiency and lowers the cost of fracturing wells.

Activity Highlights

Let the games begin

OK, so it's been raining in Houston a lot lately, and I have been stuck inside.

Another Perspective

C/O logging optimizes performance

Caltex Pacific Indonesia integrated carbon-oxygen (C/O) logging into a total reservoir management program for the Bekasap field waterflood in central Sumatra.

Know your organization's pulse

Human resources (HR) professionals are using technology to keep massive amounts of personnel data organized and readily accessible.

Logging history rich with innovation

From bathtub experiments to modern nuclear physics, formation logging has been the backbone of oil and gas development, letting geologists, geophysicists and engineers see more and more of the subsurface.

Multiple attributes improve accuracy

Using multiple seismic attributes improves the accurate estimation of reservoir thickness over using any single seismic attribute.

Non-US development heats up

Producers targeting coal seams worldwide hope to mirror the success of the US coalbed methane (CBM) industry.

Operators reconsider chemical flooding

Four significant changes have occurred to make chemical flooding a viable option for field-scale enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects once more.

Operators supply CPR to a giant

Miscible CO2 flooding in the Sacroc Unit has not only arrested the steep decline in oil production, but actually increased production 50%.

Putting a value on data management

Managers have long complained about the cost of data and information management, of which companies see no measurable return.

System integrates drilling reports

Data access is improved by integrating electronic tour sheets with the operator's daily drilling report.

Trinidad discoveries spur conversation

Continuing drilling for large gas reserves in Trinidad and Tobago has given BP and partners the clout they need to expand their liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in the twin nations.

VPNs ideal for joint ventures

There is a right way and a wrong way to share information with joint venture partners. By using a virtual private network (VPN), operators can maximize their net present value (NPV).

World Map

End of the elephant hunt

Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my! A new theory of exploration risk management seeks to get the oil business out of the ivory trade.