E&P Magazine - November 2002

As I See It

Portals focus expertise on projects

Workplace portals maximize team efficiency and effectiveness.

Cover Story

Venture capital road map

Many people dream of having their own business. Often that means consulting, which has low start-up costs. However, what if your dream business requires more money?

Drilling Technologies

Oil viscosity measured downhole

Numar's nuclear magnetic resonance tool can measure hydrogen density, T1 and T2 so engineers can calculate viscosity and gas-oil ratio.


Gas fires Western Australia activity

Supply fills rising Asian demand.

Tech Watch

Real-time data increases efficiency

Anytime, anywhere engineering improves safety and efficiency.

Activity Highlights

No Sanctuary

By the time you read this, the 2002 hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico officially will have ended. This year's season has not been without interest.

Another Perspective

Automation optimizes production

Utilizing both software applications and downhole pressure and temperature gauge technology, one company is providing customers with turnkey intelligent lift systems to enhance field production.

California's "old giants" going strong

California's continued reserve replacement success comes from applying tried-and-true practices to an elite group of older fields.

Current wisdom avoids surprises

Surveys reinforce engineering design decisions for offshore structures.

EWD improves slenderhole casing plan

The enlarge-while-drilling (EWD) tool has been used extensively to reduce drilling costs and problems encountered with slenderhole casing plans.

Gauges adapted for salt caverns

Tracking natural gas storage in hollowed-out salt domes is a new application for downhole pressure and temperature measurement tools.

Gauging success in Algeria

Two downhole pressure-monitoring campaigns in 2000 and 2001 proved that long-term memory gauges can function properly, withstanding high temperatures and pressures for more than 100 days.

High hopes for offloading buoy

Conoco and Hitech collaborate on a cheaper offshore loading solution.

Improve sampling and testing

Single-phase testing and real-time estimates of reservoir fluid properties help speed development decisions.

Jet kerf drilling leaves formation intact

A new drilling method uses fluid kerfing to minimize rock disintegration while increasing rate of penetration (ROP).

New semisub floats into Caspian Sea

In the next 18 months, deepwater drilling in the Caspian Sea will take on new meaning when a new semisubmersible makes its debut.

Ormen Lange's steep challenge

Subsea technology is set to reach new depths in the North Sea by 2007 when Norsk Hydro aims to have the giant Ormen Lange gas field onstream.

Surface measurement aids imaging

Surface pressures are used to accurately and independently image a complex reservoir.

TFE pressure tests Bethany field

In a mature Texas field, a new repeat formation tester performed 53 pressure tests in less than 8.5 hours with no sticking problems.

World Map

Exploring new models for success

New exploration technologies are being offered through partnerships rather than the standard client-service company mode.