E&P Magazine - April 2004

As I See It

Texas' fourth largest producer - a pipeline?

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. (KMP) has created an impressive downstream business in an unusual area for a pipeline company.

Training can solve people shortage

The right people, doing the right jobs the right way breeds success.

Cover Story

UKCS M&A action rises

Tackling issues such as decommissioning, overcoming the inappropriate tax regime and funding exploration will force everyone to work harder at making the UK North Sea a sustainable environment in the future.

Drilling Technologies

Step-change for deepwater drilling

Prevalent worldwide, massive salt sections add to well construction challenges.


Discoveries wait for infrastructure

Operators have found deepwater hydrocarbons. Now they have to get them to market.

Technology boosts deepwater drilling performance

Third-generation rotary steerable drilling system and real-time downhole data monitoring improve efficiency.

Tech Watch

Cell spar sailaway scheduled

Elegant and sleek, Kerr-McGee's newest spar design has chalked up several "firsts" and promises to be a highly-efficient, economical deepwater production solution.

Activity Highlights

Baby oh baby

This just in by way of Executive Editor Don Lyle. Dateline February 12, 2004, the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Anthropologist Virginia Abernathy, professor emeritas of psychiatry at Vanderbilt University, who spoke at the conference, proposed a link between oil and gas supply and fertility. Abernathy's proposal was made in two parts. First she argued a link between the availability of petroleum and the economy. I don't know anybody who would argue with that. Second, she argued a link between changes in economic conditions and fertility rates. My two kids aside, I know very little about fertility and am not in hot pursuit of additional knowledge. I know a bit more about economic conditions but I can't honestly comment on this link although, as you will note in a minute, that won't stop me.

Another Perspective

A big-picture view

Basin data holds the key to developing new value in geological provinces by challenging or supporting assumptions, qualifying potential, and reducing risk.

CNG answers offshore gas questions

For stranded natural gas, CNG may offer an alternative to LNG's high front-end costs.

Composites cure caisson corrosion

As facilities and structures mature, engineers are looking for ways to safely sustain the assets' lives and usefulness as cost-effectively as possible. Composites may be the answer.

Egypt's first deep gas challenge

BG Group's Mediterranean Scarab Saffron project was a class example of deepwater completions at the limit.

Energy balancing benefits roller cone bits

When tricone bits are balanced - both in force and in volume - stresses are reduced, leading to longer wear and increased performance.

Existing plays dominate deep drilling

Operators will focus on proven areas as the deepwater push continues.

Global appetite for deep drilling

Worldwide, the deepwater drilling market has been valued at more than US $40 billion between 2003 and 2007 including exploration, appraisal and development activity.

Message from Motown (via Tokyo)

Lean Management: What can the automotive industry teach the oil and gas producers who fuel it?

Moving down the line

A few years ago history was made at the Troll C field offshore Norway when the world's first subsea water injection pump was installed.

Reflection alternative reduces costs

Scatter seismology presents itself as the next logical domain because it extends to integrate all scatters as part of the seismic image.

Searching for deep subsea solutions

While researching and developing technology for deepwater, one offshore contractor has been narrowing in on subsea technology.

Temperatures aid exploration

Temperature anomaly mapping provides a rapid and inexpensive method of finding and evaluating hydrocarbon deposits.

Twister to be taken below the waves

Supersonic gas separation technology, which was first used offshore Malaysia, is being developed for a subsea field application.

World Map

Landmark, Spotfire combine decision solutions

As wrong decisions become more and more costly, software providers are developing tools to make the right decisions easier to come by.