E&P Magazine - July 2010

As I See It

Exploration Technologies

A little company with big concerns

Osyka Corp. may only have 10 employees, but its leader is fighting against federal regulations that could put it out of business.

Drilling Technologies

Completions and Production

Can we get back to shale plays now?

While Washington dithers, Pennsylvania rolls up its sleeves and gets busy.

Digital Solutions

Interoperability improves reservoir modeling, simulation software

RESQML picks up where RESCUE left off.

New wireless solution improves visibility, value, safety

Identification hardware and supply chain management software combine to improve operational logistics.


A new data environment influences drilling fluids ecosystem

Fluids optimization and automation is paving the way for the development of a ‘fluids ecosystem’ as data improves through digital oilfield innovation.

Analyze full-tensor gravity data with intuitive imaging techniques

New equations get more from FTG information.

Automatic interpretation techniques for potential fields data

Three methods were studied to interpret a magnetic anomaly in Bulgaria.

Awaken to the new knowledge management reality

Companies can develop leaner operations by using available data to improve efficiency without cutting costs.

Every drop counts in oil, gas production

A new multiphase flowmeter for surface and subsea use offers an array of relevant measurements over the life of the well.

Flow loop testing center develops innovative practices

A new facility has benefits for both standard and creative testing.

Friction reduction polymer aids slickwater fracs in the Haynesville

A new high-viscosity synthetic polymer offers a stable method for reducing friction in harsh environment workovers and slickwater frac operations such as in North Louisiana’s Haynesville shale.

Gas well treated with 100% reused frac fluid

Reusing frac fluid benefits environment, saves water, and precludes disposal.

Gravity gradiometry gains prominence

Full-tensor gravity gradiometry has been used in the East African Rift System.

Helge Lund

Under the leadership of CEO Helge Lund, Statoil is pushing the limits in deep water and harsh environments while at the same time setting the industry standard for environmental responsibility.

Independent protocol simplifies flow of subsea information

Information without connectivity stymies knowledge management. Effective communication is key to subsea field optimization.

Inspection technology addresses corrosion under insulation

Asset integrity extends field life offshore.

Integrated surveillance technology optimizes subsea production

The deeper the development, the more important subsea system reliability becomes.

International cooperation leads to HSE improvement in the High North

A joint effort by experts from Russia and Norway has made vital progress in establishing guidelines for arctic operations.

New perceptions change risk planning

The oil and gas industry must re-evaluate its most pressing risks in light of an uncertain future.

Online Only: Improving safety, efficiency in front-line operations

Operators can use technology to transform the safety and efficiency of how work gets done.

Online Only: Risk management looks at the big picture

ERM takes a comprehensive and ongoing approach to risk management and mitigation.

Reducing alarms improves safety

Alarms exist for a reason, but in many assets, too many alarms can be worse than too few.

Subsea processing offers advantages

Processing of produced fluids is a way of life in the oil and gas industry. Offshore, the seabed is looking better each day.

TNK-BP breaks new ground in Russia

Bill Schrader, COO of TNK-BP, talks about plans for brownfield development and new projects in East Siberia and West Siberia. Venturing into Russia’s frontiers will allow access to some of the country’s 380 Bboe in yet-to-find reserves.

UK spot gas prices put pressure on production

A change in the UK gas supply-demand balance has caused the UK spot gas price and oil-indexed contract prices to delink, putting downward pressure on indigenous gas production.

Tech Trends

Tech Watch: Highly conductive nanostructured proppants boost recovery

New nanostructured proppants transport deeper improving production rate and estimated ultimate recovery.

On The Move

Last Word

The new deep water

Safety and efficiency enhancements resulting from managed-pressure drilling put well construction at the threshold of a new era in subsea success.

Activity Spotlight

Iraq seeks foreign operators

Enormous reserves volumes are drawing interest in Iraq. A recent delegation examined a field in production as part of a mission to determine investment potential.

Management Report

Customer satisfaction is more critical than ever

Changing requirements are pushing service companies to increase their focus on customer satisfaction.