E&P Magazine - August 2010

As I See It

Exploration Technologies

Neural networks get new champion

Geophysical Insights is using this technology for attribute classification.

Drilling Technologies

Nanotechnology and the future of oil and gas

Believing only what you can see often leads to missed opportunities.

Completions and Production

What about drilling season?

Although a fall nip is not yet in the air, everyone knows autumn means football season and hunting season. But the season that is most anticipated is resumption of drilling season.

Digital Solutions

What wireless network?

Automated system delivers reliable results without being obtrusive.


Atlantic Canada invites exploration

Drilling is in full swing offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia is gearing up to offer data to potential investors.

California’s Monterey shale play is coming of age

Western Energy managing director Steven Marshall shares some of the challenges his company faces as it pioneers drilling in an emerging play.

Circulating the hole clean: Illusion or realty?

What you see at the shakers can be deceiving.

Complex wells exploit shallow deepwater targets in West Africa

Today, in deepwater West Africa, complex, 3-D, and high-angle extended-reach wells are drilled routinely to access wider areas of the reservoir and minimize field development cost.

Efficiencies increase in 4-D surveys

A new acquisition methodology provides ‘acceptable’ data at considerable cost savings.

Experts join forces to address UKCS decommissioning conundrum

The offshore oil and gas industry is at a major crossroads over how it tackles decommissioning. Spiraling costs combined with the ever-crucial integrity challenges are posing serious issues.

FEA modeling system delivers high-angle well bore through hard formations

Deepwater drilling experience does not occur naturally. One operator proves that, even though the learning curve is steep, diving in has its advantages.

Increased permit approval time could delay future decommissioning

In the US GoM, delays in approving decommissioning projects will continue to increase unless government resources are added to the permitting process.

Industry Icon: Rex Tillerson

Rex Tillerson leads the charge as ExxonMobil embraces new energy strategies.

Nanoscale imaging visualizes shale gas plays

New images reveal shale secrets.

New vessel design extends installation, decommissioning capabilities

A vessel due out in 2013 not only will tackle decommissioning projects, it will be the largest pipelay vessel in the world.

Online de-sander optimizes separator performance

In the past, total sand remediation was a multistage activity. Now, a new online integrated separator/cleaner does the task in a continuous process.

Produced water management offers innovation opportunities

Water from oil and gas production streams is the most significant liquid discharge associated with E&P operations. As water concerns become greater, more companies are investing in technologies to resolve water management issues and increase production.

Real-time flow rate obtained from ESP data

A solution to understand reservoir response, spot early trends, and improve well test quality can be achieved by monitoring electrical submersible pump (ESP) data.

Rotary steering provides gains in Eagle Ford shale, Olmos sand

An aggressive drilling program anchored by rotary steerable systems (RSS) has paid off in Eagle Ford.

Seismic reveals Eagle Ford rock properties

Mapping impedance helps high-grade locations.

Slimhole triple-combo LWD overcomes severe doglegs

A flexible slimhole system is key to improving drilling efficiency in challenging wells.

The next generation of rock physics models

The exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons involves finding the right kind of rock with the right kind of fluids, at the right depth, and in the correct container – with the ability to lift them without disturbing the environment. Rock physics is the glue that bonds these processes together.

Water? What flavor would you like?

Once again, technology brings a solution to the frac water situation with a treatment process that can be customized to fit operators’ needs.

Will flowback or produced water do?

The perennial shortage of water for hydraulic fracturing has encouraged the use of flowback, produced, and other non-freshwater sources in stimulation operations, but there are concerns.

Tech Trends

Tech Watch: Stop profit leaks

Innovative project generates gas savings and carbon credits.

On The Move

Last Word

A farewell to Matt Simmons

The iconoclastic Simmons leaves a legacy of contribution and controversy.

Activity Spotlight

Peru increases exploration opportunities

To become a net hydrocarbons exporter in the coming years, Peru is offering 25 blocks within the Marañon, Ucayali, Santiago, Huallaga, and Sechura basins.

Management Report

Industry turns to alumni for resourcing solutions

Alumni networks offer a pool of experienced personnel, and companies are looking to them for new hires.