E&P Magazine - September 2011

As I See It

Cover Story

Sleeves vs. Shots – The Debate Rages

Company preference between the two most popular methods for stimulating horizontal multistage completions breaks down to a study in the economics of expediency versus the economics of a systematic approach.

Exploration Technologies

Seismic Leads The Way For Geothermal

Sondes identify exact location of open fractures.

Drilling Technologies

A New Twist On An Old Problem

A new turbine-based technology is providing affordable insurance on troubled wellbores.

Completions and Production

Positive Outlook For Offshore

Feel good factor in Aberdeen shows strong belief in industry fundamentals.

Digital Solutions

Data Environments Prove Viable ‘Best Option’ For E&P Customers

Co-located centers help ease IT headaches.

New Technology Optimizes Operations

The Athena field is powered for performance.


Atlantic Canada Warms Up

In the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, where three significant offshore projects are in production, work is beginning on a fourth – the heavy oil Hebron project. Meanwhile, Nova Scotia is gearing up for its next bid round, where awards will be made for new deepwater acreage.

Automated MPD Improves Drilling Efficiency In Deepwater GoM

MPD planning and practices overcome drilling trouble time associated with difficult geomechanical challenges.

Banish The Ghosts From Marine Seismic Data

A combination of streamers and sources eliminates ghosting in offshore acquisition.

Closing The Loop Alleviates Challenges

Managed pressure drilling is providing solutions to many of the industry’s major safety and performance challenges.

CSEM: Smoother Seas Ahead

CSEM: Smoother Seas Ahead

Declining fields challenge aging equipment

The interaction between reservoir well performance and production equipment requires careful examination.

Dry Breakaway Technology Delivers Efficiency

Self-sealing solution minimizes production downtime during well intervention.

Eagle Ford Output Continues To Soar

New data suggest the Eagle Ford shale may soon become the biggest producing shale play in Texas.

Integration Of Seismic And CSEM Data Reduces Risk

Data integration has the potential to remove dataset ambiguities.

Mapping Horizons Leads To Greater Exploration Success

Horizons play an important part in inversion and interpretation.

Mature Fields Add To The Bottom Line

Best-in-class operators are applying Operational Excellence technologies and methodologies to maximize profitability in aging assets.

North Sea Operator Continues To See Opportunity

Sticking with what you know can provide a solid foundation for moving into new frontiers.

Perforation Tunnel Tool Optimizes Mature Assets

Achieving effective production rates can be challenging in aging fields. After seven years of continued improvements in both form and function, a new perforating tunnel tool is helping to increase production and extend mature reservoir life.

Technology Trends Reshape Business Landscape

Taking advantage of evolving technologies helps companies maintain a competitive advantage.

Three-D Seismic Advances Improve Exploration Success

From early 3-D reflection seismology to today, improvements in 3-D seismic have helped operators find more oil and gas.

Tech Watch

New System Fills Gap Between PDM, Rotary Steerable Technologies

A new directional drilling system delivers full 3-D directional control to mitigate lost-in-hole risk.

Tech Trends

Tech Trends

Activity Highlights

Last Word

Reduce Uncertainty, Risk In Drilling Projects

Scalable closed-loop drilling systems provide drillers with greater assurance for safe and productive operations in almost any environment.

Activity Spotlight

North Sea Optimism Rises With Development

Enthusiasm for North Sea development was evident at the Offshore Europe 2011 Conference in Aberdeen.

International Spotlight

Nova Scotia Shows Promise As Deepwater Bright Spot

Initial projections for offshore Nova Scotia indicate enormous oil and gas potential, and eight deepwater parcels could be the entree to a new source rock.

Management Report

Collaborative Tools Come Of Age

In a resource challenged industry, leading companies are using collaboration tools to bring the best minds together to make the best decisions.