E&P Magazine - August 2013
As I See It
A changed landscape...
The last time I wrote this column was in the year 2000 as the world got used to a new millennium.
Cover Story
Drilling optimization benchmark set for deep HP/HT wells in Oman
PDO reduced drilling time by 25 days, saving the company $1.25 million per well.
NOCs expand roles as technology developers
With Saudi Aramco, Petrobras, and Statoil leading the way, national oil companies are exploiting new resources and providing technological advancements to the industry.
Exploration Technologies
Craters brimming with hydrocarbons?
A new study indicates that astroblemes in Ukraine may be a good place to start drilling.
Drilling Technologies
Oro Negro targets offshore Mexico rig market
Starting with a platform rig in 2012, this recently founded Mexican company will expand its fleet to include eight high-specification jackup rigs by 2015.
Completions and Production
The desert Pearl of Qatar
Focus on integration brings success to world’s largest GTL plant.
Offshore Advances
Brazilian market offers big rewards – with risks to match
Brazil is the golden land of opportunity for the offshore business at present, but it is not all milk and honey.
Special Report
Designing chemical floods for Kansas reservoirs
The second part of NETL’s research examines further EOR techniques.
Digital Solutions
Magnetic sensing in plunger lift
New sensor technology eliminates missed arrivals and false detections in plunger-lift systems.
New technology makes impact on old East Texas water flood
An operator finds success with its implementation of new surveillance and automation framework technology.
Activity picks up in the UK North Sea
Billions of dollars worth of projects are progressing in the UK North Sea as companies use technology while the government works to stimulate interest, all in an effort to boost lagging production levels.
Brazil a heartland for Shell’s future plans
Brazil is the ‘boom town’ of the global upstream oil and gas industry at present, but one of the world’s supermajors has been heavily involved in the country for a century – and intends to keep its long association going.
Bringing oil and gas reserves to book
The uncertainties surrounding subsurface characterization can impact how an oil and gas company evaluates its book value of reserves.
CBM aids Asian markets
This abundant and potentially cheap gas resource is filling the gap as some countries face declines in conventional production.
CT technology saves time on Caspian job
ECT technology puts nonproducing well in Azerbaijan back online.
Death to optimization
The pursuit of optimization tends to deter fundamental changes in performance.
Drivers influencing the evolution of horizontal and vertical trees
The design of subsea tree systems has come a long way since the pioneering days of the early 1960s.
Emerging flow solutions drive industry’s subsea advances
If there is one thing that currently gets the juices flowing for subsea production engineers, it is the accelerating pace of flow assurance technologies.
Fast-track design solution for KHIs on Varg
Recent research indicates that KHIs can provide predictable, long-term hydrate protection under certain conditions.
Integrated analysis predicts sweet spots
A study of microseismic and seismic reflection leads to success in the Montney shale.
Investigating electrical anisotropy in the Barents Sea
A new study will integrate multiple measurements from this frontier area.
New EPA regulations can add ‘green’ to the bottom line
A look at how one company’s alternative to gas flaring proves profitable.
New technologies reduce environmental footprint
Efficiency gains enable both good stewardship and a production boost in unconventionals.
Optimizing multistage cemented completions
Cemented sliding-sleeve systems offer an innovative, efficient way to reduce the cost, complexity, and time for well completion.
Waste not, want not
Innovative drilling waste treatment, recycling, and reuse brings new meaning to an old saying.
Tech Watch
Fracture more cleanly with improved economics
Turbines enable utilization of 100% field gas to power fracturing equipment.
Tech Trends
Activity Highlights
On The Move
Industry Impact
Automated MPD system provides BHP measurement and management
Technology can help preserve wellbore stability and increase drilling efficiency.
Management Report
Noise pollution: the environmental battle we can win
Noise mitigation modeling helps operators be better neighbors at the rig site.