E&P Magazine - July 2014
How have recent events affected its development?
As I See It
The Goldilocks strategy
When it comes to the pace of technology development, it has to be just right.
Cover Story
Argentina’s Vaca Muerta Shale
How have recent events affected its development?
Australia pushes boundaries on shale development
The Cooper Basin continues to lead in shale exploration and development, but other basins are picking up exploration momentum.
From correlation to production
A Horn River completions evaluation case study shows that larger SRVs result in higher well production regardless of the percentage of proppant-filled fractures.
Mexico’s energy reform opens door to shale resources
With six basins believed to hold unconventional resources, development could be within reach if fiscal terms are favorable for developers.
What’s next on the horizon?
Is the next Bakken or Eagle Ford just now being delineated?
‘Potential’ the key word as Europe eyes unconventionals
Estimated reserves are promising, but progress is slow.
Exploration Technologies
The next evolution of data storage
A new hybrid approach takes advantage of the best that network and cloud storage have to offer.
Drilling Technologies
CSB applies new term to explain Macondo drillpipe buckling
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board used a term—effective compression—to explain its findings in the failure of the BOP in the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Completions and Production
America the innovative
Booming shale business encourages industry growth, investment in new technology.
Offshore Advances
Subsea alliance forged
Two industry leaders come together to bring solutions to the challenge of subsea production.
Digital Solutions
Submersion and directed flow cooling solution for oil, gas
Immersion cooling technology can save energy and space and enhance reliability.
Addressing challenges in petrophysical modeling
Analysis should be based on all available data to gain a geological interpretation of the reservoir.
Australian reservoir laboratory provides integrated shale services
Recently opened reservoir characterization laboratory in Brisbane has advanced rock mechanics testing capabilities.
Bakken remains hot topic for US operators
Conference panelists discuss the ever-increasing production activity in the Bakken.
Connecting key elements
A new approach to integrating people, processes and technology can change the safety-productivity dynamic and drive risk-based operational excellence.
Decontamination of mercury-impacted process equipment
Tests of new chemical solution developed to remove mercury from contaminated hydrocarbon processing equipment during decommissioning deliver impressive results.
Finding more, spending less
A global exploration strategy focused on drilling high-impact wells is transforming Statoil’s reserves portfolio.
Fracking in the Golden State
Hydraulic fracturing hasn’t been banned in California—yet. Groundwater monitoring might save it from extinction.
Middle East’s technology development enters new phase
Innovation and collaboration are keys to ensuring sustainable future.
Money, hydrocarbon flow continues in Middle East
Despite the risks, the region’s proven hydrocarbon reserves continue to attract.
New kit for Eldfisk
Departure of topsides from shipyard brings Eldfisk II project one step closer to finish line.
Quest for the most efficient field-frack network
Consistent stage spacing and frack volume deliver maximum reservoir connectivity.
Rock physics modeling
Workflow combining kerogen maturation and petrophysical data offers insight into unconventional reservoirs.
Self-supporting riser boosts use of CT interventions
A single permanently installed self-supporting riser can be used for drilling, completion, testing, production and abandonment of wells.
Solutions in the spotlight
Life can be a paradox at times. Like when someone asks for submissions of award-winning technologies that must be both ‘new’ and ‘proven’ at the same time.
Sustainable frack fluids transform water from burden to benefit
New hydraulic fracturing fluids are transforming former waste streams into cost-saving alternatives to freshwater systems.
The demand for sand
The growing role of slickwater fracks and the addition of more stages per lateral drive increased usage.
Trends shift in North American, international CT markets
Demand distribution in the U.S. has shifted slightly back toward workover operations. International dynamics are expected to mirror the North American CT market.
Wireline sensor expands capabilities of DFA
Analysis tool enables downhole measurement of in situ viscosity in real time.
Tech Watch
Failure is not an option
Systems engineering practices are just as applicable to the oil and gas industry as they are to aerospace.
Tech Trends
Activity Highlights
On The Move
Last Word
High-definition exploration requires complementary systems
New interpretation and modeling processes are necessary to recover investments in broadband seismic acquisition and processing.
Industry Impact
Tool cuts tubulars without chemicals, explosives
Cutting-wheel design can reduce nonproductive time and improve efficiency of pipe recovery operations.
Management Report
Bridging the skills gap
As more people retire from the oil and gas industry, companies are getting creative to find their replacements.