E&P Magazine - April 2016
Capital-intensive projects such as ultradeepwater developments where subsea expenditure is at its greatest are fully under the economic microscope.
As I See It
A Parallel Universe
Planet Oil can only eye with envy the space industry’s stellar PR image.
Cover Story
2020 Vision Sees Return To Market Growth
Capital-intensive projects such as ultradeepwater developments where subsea expenditure is at its greatest are fully under the economic microscope.
Forsys Forges Ahead In Subsea Space
Technip’s JV with FMC is on course in the subsea space, according to CEO Thierry Pilenko.
Innovation Powering Seabed Pumping Advances
Aker Solutions and GE push new generation of subsea boosting solutions.
Subsea Renaissance: The Ripple Effect
With the cost of subsea equipment and operations having tripled over the past decade, something had to be done by the industry’s most influential operators and oil service players to stop the sector drowning under its own weight. Their initial response so far to an undoubted crisis might have created a ripple effect with growing momentum.
Exploration Technologies
Northern Ireland: The Last Great Frontier?
It’s not deep. It’s not hostile. It’s just unexplored.
Drilling Technologies
NPT On Offshore Rigs Takes Hit With New Contract Model For BOP Services
First-of-its-kind service agreement includes the repurchase of the BOP systems by the manufacturer from the offshore drilling contractor.
Completions and Production
Fizz Tracker: K-Waves Take Lead In Carbon Dioxide EOR Surveillance
Real-time monitoring of CO2 in EOR applications is made possible with K-waves.
Offshore Advances
Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Ireland is proving an unlikely bright spot in the current oil and gas industry downturn.
Digital Solutions
Automated Data Collection Improves Cybersecurity While Lowering Manpower Costs
A new diagnostic reliability system provides decision support for California production operations.
Appalachian Angst?
Lower commodity prices have reduced demand for oilfield services in the nation’s most productive gas play.
Aubrey McClendon: Game Changer
He didn’t invent the shale revolution, but he certainly took it to the next level.
Boosting ESP Runtime Through Effective Scale Treatments
A novel scale inhibitor formulation optimizes artificial lift in mature, calcium-rich wells in an Argentine field.
Cold-stacked Deck: Challenges Remain For Rig, Drillship Sector
With day and utilization rates through the floor, the rig market is in need of more than just sleight of hand to avoid players checking out.
Companies Rally Around Permian Basin During Downturn
E&P companies continue to buy into the Midland and Delaware basins, where operators can make money at lower prices.
Deep Blue Still On Top
The pioneering flagship of Technip’s fleet continues to set new records.
Fresh Impetus Needed To Fire Up Azerbaijan Offshore
Known as the ‘Land of Fire,’ Azerbaijan has an oil and gas pedigree that is second to none, but with production declining, its offshore sector needs to heat up.
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Polymers?
The use of polymers in Polymer and ASP Floods creates water treatment technical challenges that discourage the use of these very effective productivity-enhancing tools.
How To Flip The Kill Switch On Oil Overdrive
EOG CEO says rewarding production in an oversupplied market is not helping the situation.
Learnings That Make A Difference
Eight years of broadband seismic have taught the industry the importance of its geophysical benefits.
Microseismic Data Determines Well’s Drainage Pattern, Production Profile
Enhanced microseismic analysis enables production and reservoir drainage forecast two to three weeks after completion.
New Broadband Approach To Survey Matching
New deghosting techniques restore vintage surveys to full bandwidth.
Pressure-actuated Sleeve Shifting Tool Optimizes Offshore Intervention Risks
Tool replaces mechanical shifting sleeves typically installed to handle production post-stimulation.
Sand And Inflow Control Can Help Enhance Oil Recovery
The use of AICDs within a comprehensive sand control solution adds a further dimension to EOR efforts.
Steamflooding Keeps California Field Producing 117 Years Later
The Kern River Oil Field reached total production of 2 Bbbl of oil in late 2007 and has been adding to the total since then.
Steerable Drilling Liner Offers Alternative For Trouble Zones
Drilling and setting a liner in one run can help offshore operators drill safely and efficiently through trouble zones without having to compromise well placement or incur added cost or trip times.
Tandem DDV Boosts Efficiency Of UBD In Thailand
Implementation of two downhole deployment valves enables UBD and logging operations, enhances safety and eliminates formation damage in fractured carbonate reservoirs.
Technology, Relationships Deliver Success At Coelacanth
With its installation of the third-tallest fixed platform in Ewing Bank 834, Walter Oil & Gas Corp. writes a new chapter in the Gulf of Mexico’s history book.
Using Customer Experience To Stay Competitive
Previous long-standing loyalties can be ended due to a single negative experience.
Validating The Effectiveness Of Chemical Flooding
Nano-sized particles help to increase incremental oil recovery in waterflood applications.
Tech Watch
Taking Radioactivity Out Of Fracture Monitoring
A new nonhazardous detectable proppant eliminates need for specialized meters, handling and permits to detect placement in the wellbore.
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
This section lists some of the latest technology trends.
Activity Highlights
International Highlights
Global developments and project updates are featured in the International Highlights section.
On The Move
On The Move
New hires, promotions and company openings.