Oil and Gas Investor Magazine - April 2009
Cover Story
Unconventional Resource A&D
?Shale-gas plays were hot zones of transaction activity in recent years. Can the Barnett, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Marcellus and Woodford shale plays survive declining gas prices?
An Acquisition Before The Fall
?In July 2008, Concho Resources acquired Henry Petroleum—lock, stock and 80 oil-savvy professionals. Here’s how timing—getting it done before the markets closed—made all the difference.
Falling Like Dominoes
?With the U.S. rig count down by nearly half since last fall, service and supply companies and drilling contractors face a new paradigm.
Marathon Exploration
?The senior vice president of global exploration for Marathon Oil Corp. discusses the company’s plans onshore and offshore the U.S.—and abroad.
View the April issue of Oil and Gas Investor online.
Rockies Unconventional
?Unconventional gas production in the Rockies is growing, thanks to new discoveries, contiguous-acreage strategies and better technology. Here’s how three producers are making the most of opportunities in challenging times.
Seismic Pulse
Top executives of four leading geophysical companies discuss the challenges facing their sector and how they will persevere.
A&D Trends
At Closing
A&D Storm Riders
?A&D activity will return to normal, but it will be a new normal.
Bright Spots
Meet Clayton Camozzi
?Exploration geologist Clayton Camozzi enjoys the hunt for new ideas as well as new reserves.
Capital Markets
Company Briefs
Capital-Access Envy
? Asset fallout is under way in this credit-capacity redetermination season.
Out Of The Country
?Asset fallout is under way in this credit-capacity redetermination season.
From the Editor-in-Chief
Tap Dancing
? Finding themselves on the defensive, companies cope with the downturn.
International Highlights
Chatting With Robert A. Hefner III
?Robert A. Hefner III is focused on the transition to sustainable energy, particularly natural gas.