Oil and Gas Investor Magazine - September 2014

Cover Story

Oilfield Services Intensify

Pressure builds for service and supply companies as customers demand more, faster, better technology—at lower cost.


B.J. Brandenberger: Vice President, Energy Spectrum Advisors

Energy Spectrum Advisors is based in Dallas.

Fuling Field: China Pushes To Replicate US Shale Revolution

China is widely believed to have the world’s largest technically recoverable shale gas resources.

How Financing Structures Can Affect Operations

Far more attention is paid to how financing structures affect operations, how repeatable they are and their effects on profitability beyond distributions to investors.

MLP Dropdowns: Where Visibility Is King

Top-tier MLPs have had their run, so investors must dig deeper for underappreciated names.

Pay Dirt: A&D Dusts Itself Off After 2013 Letdown

Larger deals have been more prevalent so far in 2014. In fourth-quarter 2013, the busiest of the year, just two deals eclipsed the billion-dollar mark.

Sailing Into Deeper Waters: Rowan Companies’ CEO Offers His View From The Helm

Rowan Companies' new CEO offers his view from the bridge as the organization enters new markets.

Will The Atlantic Open?

Growing public support is critical to the inclusion of an Atlantic lease sale in the next federal five-year leasing plan.

A&D Trends

Private Equity Becomes 'Dominant Acquirer' In US

'Much of private equity’s success can be attributed to its uncanny ability to buy when no one else has capital.'

At Closing

Swift's Project Might Bring Activity Back To Eagle Ford

Swift Energy in July quietly entered a small joint venture with Indonesia’s PT Saka Energi to develop a parcel of the Eagle Ford Shale within the largely forgotten lean gas window.

Bright Spots

IPAA's Kellogg Discusses Issues Impacting Producers

At the Independent Petroleum Association of America, Matt Kellogg advises 'industry leaders on political, regulatory and legislative risks and opportunities.'


A Truce In Colorado's Fracking War

Gov. Hickenlooper struck a deal to create a task force that will study fracking and present state legislature with its recommendations.

E&P Momentum

Monster Wells Scare Up Bigger Recoveries And Well Costs In Eagle Ford

Operators are cracking the code of enhanced recovery in the Eagle Ford, one that comes at a heavy price.

From the Editor-in-Chief

Mexico And The Eagle Ford

Mexico 'has a chance to get in on the action with help from foreign partners.'


Industry Legend Jim Musselman Discusses His New Alaskan Adventure

The Dallas Wildcatter's new venture acquired North Slope assets from Pioneer earlier this year.

On the Money

Crude Oil: From Global To Local

Commodity analysts believe the strength in long-term Brent futures mainly reflects 'a downshift in OPEC supply expectations.'

Technology Report

Big Data In Oil And Gas

Huge opportunities lie buried in the vast amount of data available to companies.